6 de February de 2017
The Laboratory of Raman Spectrocopy and Photoluminescence is focused on the study of the optical properties of semiconductor materials. Among others, we have carried out Raman scattering studies on a variety of III-V compound systems such as GaN, InN, InGaN, InAs/GaAs, InGaAs, InP, AlGaSb, InAsSb, GaSb, GaAsN, as well as on ZnO, a II-VI wide band gap material which is intensively being investigated because of its potential applications in transparent electronics and in blue and UV light emitters.
The laboratory is equipped with:
Jobin-Yvon T64000 triple Raman spectrometer with capabilities for PL and PLE measurements:
- 640 mm focal length: 0.7 cm-1spectral resolution
- CCD detector: high-sensitivity, low noise detector
- Confocal micro-Raman setup: lateral resolution about 1 um
- Cryostat: for low temperature measurements in macrocamera configuration
- Freeze-drying cryostage: for micro-Raman measurements to be carried out from liquid nitrogen temperature up to 600 oC
Horiba Jobin-Yvon FHR1000 single spectrometer dedicated for PL measurements:
- 1000 mm focal length
- CCD detector: high-sensitivity, low noise detector
- InGaAs detector for NIR detection
High-pressure set-up:
- Diamond anvil cell
- Microdriller
Excitation sources:
- Ar+ laser: 25 W (9W in UV)
- Dye laser
- Ti:sapphire laser
- He-Cd laser: 50 mW
- He-Ne laser: 30 mW