Past Projects

Completed projects

Ongoing Projects Past Projects

Late Quaternary palaeoecology of Mauritia flexuosa L.f. (Arecaceae) wetland communities related to past climatic and human practices variability: evaluation for future climate projections and potential use for ecosystem services

Late Quaternary palaeoecology of Mauritia flexuosa L.f. (Arecaceae) wetland communities related to past climatic and human practices variability: evaluation for future climate projections and potential use for ecosystem services

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ATLANTIS: Atlantic-North-Africa lithosphere three-dimensional imaging study

The main challenge of the ATLANTIS project, coordinated by ATLANTIS, is to develop a self-consistent three-dimensional model of the crustal and upper mantle structure of the Atlas mountain belt, from the westernmost part in the Atlantic Ocean to its easternmost end in Tunisia. Two new temporary seismic networks will be deployed during this project to cover the unmonitored areas. On the one hand, a marine seismic survey will be carried out in the Atlantic margin of the westernmost Atlas and, on the other hand, a temporary land seismic network will be deployed in Tunisia, at the easternmost end of the Atlas Mountains. The proposal will also take advantage of the extensive seismic waveform data sets available in North Africa from several projects and surveys, as well as from permanent stations in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. The proposed leading-edge methodologies are based on earthquake and ambient noise tomography, receiver function analysis, and seismic attenuation imaging. Using those highly improved observations and the integrated analysis of geological and other geophysical observables of continental and marine areas, we will update the characteristics of the lithospheric-scale structures and the geological domains. We aim at refining the existing conceptual models that define the contacts among geological domains in the current kinematic framework of collision between the Eurasian and African plates.

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ClimeErupt: Impact of climate change on monogenetic eruptions

ClimeErupt: Impact of climate change on monogenetic eruptions

One of the key challenges in volcanology is to understand the factors that increase the explosiveness of eruptions. The presence of groundwater is one of them, because it can drastically increase volcanic explosivity and generate phreatomagmatic eruptions. These types of eruptions occur when rising magma interacts with aquifers, producing sudden and violent activity, which makes forecasting particularly difficult.

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Understanding the Mediterranean Salt Giant

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Developing enhanced weathering methods in mine tailings for CO2 sequestration

Enhanced weathering and carbonation strategies for mine wastes, where the natural process of rock weathering and carbonate precipitation is sped up to uptake CO2, is a potentially significant sequestration method. However, on-site pilot schemes are required to fully realise the high CO2 storage potential. The EU-funded DETAILS project will address this challenge by implementing new technologies in mine wastes to reduce CO2 emissions by initiating enhanced weathering and carbonation in mine wastes through novel bioreactor technologies. This will surpass current state-of-the-art technologies by focusing on delivering on-site testing on a range of voluminous and suitable materials with industry partners. The new bioreactor system will work to modify pH and harness heat and CO2 point sources at mine sites.

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Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Research Infrastructure Alliance for Europe

The overall objective of SERA is to give a significant contribution to improve the access to data, services and research infrastructures, and deliver solutions based on innovative R&D in seismology and earthquake engineering, aiming at reducing the exposure of our society to the risk posed by natural and anthropogenic earthquakes.

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European Network of Observatories and Research Infrastructures for Volcanology

The European Network of Observatories and Research Infrastructures for Volcanology EUROVOLC is a H2020 Research and Innovation Project of the European Commission. It will construct an integrated and harmonized European volcanological community able to fully support, exploit and build-upon existing and emerging national and pan-European research infrastructures, including e-Infrastructures of the European Supersite volcanoes. The harmonization includes linking scientists and stakeholders and connecting still isolated volcanological infrastructures located at in situ volcano observatories (VO) and volcanological research institutions (VRIs).

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European Volcano Early Warning System

The EVE project aims at facilitating the interaction and cooperation between scientists and Civil Protection Agencies (CPs) to timely anticipate to volcanic disasters. Built upon the previous EC ECHO funded project VeTOOLS, the aim of EVE is to combine the knowledge on the past eruptive behaviour of the volcanoes with the analysis of real time monitoring in order to construct the European volcano EWS.

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Seismic Imaging Techniques for Mineral Exploration

Deep understanding of the resource base is the most important economic leverage to optimize mining operations. SIT4ME improves this knowledge combining controlled-source seismic with seismic noise recording above and underground, generating a high, locally ultra-high resolved 3D image. Deep mining customers benefit most as drilling is expensive and potential field geophysics lacks resolution. Upscaling concerns methodology, soft- and hardware.

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Inside volcanoes: observing, understanding and modelling volcanic systems (INVOLVE)

The INVOLVE project is based on a strong synergy among four working groups having complementary expertise on the study of volcanic/magmatic systems. The project, making use of ground-breaking field, analytical, experimental, and computational approaches, will address the construction of a unified and integrated conceptual and physico-chemical model encompassing the volcanic system functioning over the full range of time scales (years to million-years), from magma production, accumulation to eruption. Expected results will be crucial to the general definition of the dynamics of magmatic systems, and to forecast their short-term potential hazards for human life and infrastructure. This model will help to better interpret monitoring data and anticipate volcanic eruptions, critically increasing our ability to mitigate volcanic risks on a regional to global scale. The island of Tenerife will be taken as a case study, since it presents a unique complexity, but it also offers an unbeatable opportunity to study the connection of processes that span from the Earth’s core to the surface.

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Radiografiando sistemas magmáticos silícicos: el Magmatismo Permo-Carbonífero del Pirineo Catalán

The main goal of this coordinated project is to study the relationship between the plutonic and volcanic processes of siliceous magmas as part of the same magmatic system, with special emphasis on their temporal, structural, petrologic and geodynamic relationships,based on the multidisciplinary study of the Permo- Carboniferous magmatism of the Catalan Pyrenees, in particular in the area between Viella-Pont de Suert and Andorra-La Seu d’Urgell, which concentrates the best examples of co-magmatic rocks ( in their plutonic, subvolcanic and volcanic facies) of this event. Specifically, this coordinated project aims at the application of a great diversity of geological and geophysical techniques (field geology,geochemistry, geochronology, experimental petrology, gravimetry, magnetism, paleomagnetism, and numerical and analog modeling), the construction of a 4D model Space + time) to characterise the transport and emplacement of siliceous magmas in the upper crust during this magmatic episode. In this way, it is intended to advance significantly in the understanding of the mechanisms of cooling and crystallization and possible eruptive conditions of this type of magma, in order to be applied later to the study of more recent or active zones of similar characteristics.

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InnoLOG: Innovative geophysical logging tools for mineral exploration

This project will impact by boosting of the competitiveness, of the European raw materials companies and providing innovative solutions for a more efficient and sustainable exploration. This proposal contributes with innovative advances in a range of technologies with high impact in the value chain, together with developments in technologies and innovative solutions. The main objective of the project is to improve the performance of the existing downhole geophysical logging tools in the identification of specific minerals in the subsurface and mineral deposits evaluation. Innovative borehole logging tools based on recently developed sensors and innovative processing capabilities provide new opportunities for development of efficient downhole exploration tools suitable for detection and quantification of minerals and raw materials in the subsurface. Extensive testing of the tools’ performance first at research facilities and in mines is planned to demonstrate the efficiency of the new geophysical logging tools as high cost-effectiveness raw materials exploration tools and mineral diagnostic performance.

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Understanding subduction zone topography through modelling of coupled shallow and deep processes

The SUBITOP ETN is a framework for training and career development of 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESR) in Geodynamics, Geophysics, Geology and Geomorphology. It has a scientific focus on the dynamics of continental margins where tectonic plates are recycled through subduction. The Training Network provides a comprehensive range of modelling and observation techniques, exploiting the full diversity of active and ancient subduction systems within Europe.

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European Plate Observing System

The European Plate Observing System (EPOS) is the integrated solid Earth Sciences research infrastructure approved by the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) and included in the ESFRI Roadmap in December 2008. EPOS is a long-term integration plan of national existing RIs.

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European Plate Observing System

The European Plate Observing System (EPOS) is the integrated solid Earth Sciences research infrastructure approved by the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) and included in the ESFRI Roadmap in December 2008. EPOS is a long-term integration plan of national existing RIs.

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Modelling double polarity subduction processes by analogue and numerical approaches: application to the Westernmost Mediterranian basin

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Conversion to digital form of the phase arrival times for all earthquakes includes inthe bulletins of the International Seismological Summary

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Regional structural analysis of the NW Zagros fold belt in Iraq including structures in the Tawke PSC and the Dohuk PSC

Regional structural analysis of the NW Zagros fold belt in Iraq including structures in the Tawke PSC and the Dohuk PSC

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Modelización geológica 3D del sistema volcánico central de Tenerife y su implicación en la evaluación de la peligrosidad volcánica

Modelización geológica 3D del sistema volcánico central de Tenerife y su implicación en la evaluación de la peligrosidad volcánica

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Modelado y caracterización físico-química de los magmas en Tenerife y su aplicación en el sistema de vigilancia volcánica del Observatorio Geofísico Central

Modelado y caracterización físico-química de los magmas en Tenerife y su aplicación en el sistema de vigilancia volcánica del Observatorio Geofísico Central

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Investigación y caracterización del subsuelo mediante sondas geofísicas y sondeos aplicadas al estudio de potenciales almacenes en el subsuelo

Investigación y caracterización del subsuelo mediante sondas geofísicas y sondeos aplicadas al estudio de potenciales almacenes en el subsuelo

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