Educational Background
- PhD, 2007, Earth Sciences, Universitat de Barcelona: Caracterització estructural i sismotectònica de la litosfera en el domini Pirenaico-Cantàbric a partir de mètodes de sísmica activa i passiva
- DEA, 2001, Earth Sciences, Universitat de Barcelona: Gestió d’una xarxa sísmica en registre continu. Aplicació al cas del NO de la Península Ibèrica (Regió de Navarra)
- BSc, 1998, Physical Sciences, Universitat de Barcelona
Research interests
My research interests are mainly focused on active and passive seismic techniques to study the lithospheric structure. Some of the specific scientific topics I’ve been working on are:
- Experimental seismology. More than 25 years of experience with acquisition and processing of seismic data from natural and controlled sources, managing seismic stations, setting up networks on land and at sea, data conversion, processing and storage.
- Seismotectonics. Basically, analyzing data from local and regional seismic events. Automatic detection systems for local and regional seismic events and their implementation in real-time seismic data reception systems such as Seiscomp package.
- Processing and interpretation of seismic wide-angle profiles. Both onshore-offshore and on land experiments.