Degree & Master’s theses proposals
GEO3BCN-CSIC propone tres planes de formación en la convocatoria JAE Intro 2023
Geociencias Barcelona (GEO3BCN-CSIC) ofrece tres propuestas de trabajos de investigación, dos en…
Choose your master thesis project with GEO3BCN
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Masters taught by GEO3BCN researchers
University of Barcelona & Autonomous University of Barcelona
Mineral Resources and Geological Hazards
By Adelina Geyer and Dario Pedrazzi
Autonomous University of Barcelona
Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems
By Agustín Lobo Aleu
University of Barcelona & Autonomous University of Barcelona
Reservoir Geology and Geophysics
By Juan Alcalde, Ramon Carbonell, Daniel García-Castellanos, Ivone Jiménez Munt and Jaume Vergés