4 de October de 2024
Nacif, S., Schimmel, M., Nacif, A., Godoy, L., Lupari, M., Furlani, R., Gimenez, M., & Folguera, A. (2024). Insights into the crustal and the magmatic feeding structure at the Payunia Volcanic Province highlighted by geophysical methods, in the retroarc of the Southern Central Andes. Journal of Geodynamics, 162, 102059. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jog.2024.102059
The Payunia Volcanic Province is a Quaternary volcanic plateau emplaced in the retroarc area in the northern Neuquén Mesozoic Basin, associated with a hydrocarbon system. At deeper levels, this basin is linked to different intrusive systems that developed in the retroarc region at different times, during the Jurassic, Cretaceous, Eocene, Miocene, and even the Quaternary which influenced the hydrocarbon system maturity. We analyzed the Moho structure through this retroarc region, as well as the crustal structure affected by different stages of regional extension. From continuous seismic noise data, we calculated the autocorrelograms to obtain the reflection response below each seismological station. This allowed imaging the surface of primary crustal reflectors and in a few stations the top of an asthenospheric anomaly (SWAP) found by magnetotelluric survey and in concordance with satellite magnetic data. The crustal reflectors were identified in all stations at a mean two-way travel time of about ∼8.5 s and ∼12.5 s using frequency bands of about 1.0–2.4 Hz. Therefore, this is the first geophysical research that estimates the depth of the magmatic system, hosted at the top of the lower crust and the Moho discontinuity. The deepest reflector, only recognized in 4 stations, was observed with a two-way travel time of 17.2 s to 19.6 s. We used a mean one-dimensional Vp model to obtain the corresponding reflector depths which constrain the two-dimensional forward gravity model that fits with the observed regional anomaly for the region. We finally established a relationship between the shallowest sublithospheric electrical conductivity anomalies determined in previous researches and the strong deep reflections observed in some of the seismological stations. This information may help to constrain geochemical and petrological models and re-evaluate the hydrocarbon system maturity of the northern Neuquén basin.