InnoLOG: Innovative geophysical logging tools for mineral exploration
This project will impact by boosting of the competitiveness, of the European raw materials companies and providing innovative solutions for a more efficient and sustainable exploration. This proposal contributes with innovative advances in a range of technologies with high impact in the value chain, together with developments in technologies and innovative solutions. The main objective of the project is to improve the performance of the existing downhole geophysical logging tools in the identification of specific minerals in the subsurface and mineral deposits evaluation. Innovative borehole logging tools based on recently developed sensors and innovative processing capabilities provide new opportunities for development of efficient downhole exploration tools suitable for detection and quantification of minerals and raw materials in the subsurface. Extensive testing of the tools’ performance first at research facilities and in mines is planned to demonstrate the efficiency of the new geophysical logging tools as high cost-effectiveness raw materials exploration tools and mineral diagnostic performance.
We will focus innovation activities on:
- Applying innovations on borehole geophysical logging to mining activities.
- Implementing new sensors in innovative borehole logging tools.
- Testing and validation in different types of mines.
- Design and preliminary testing of future logging tools.
- Training in the use of the innovative technologies.