Reflection seismic profiling along the Longitudinal Valley Basin, Eastern Taiwan: In search of the Central Range fault

Kuo-Chen, H., Brown, D., Lai, S.-Y., & Chen, J.-Y. (2023). Reflection seismic profiling along the Longitudinal Valley Basin, Eastern Taiwan: In search of the Central Range fault. Tectonophysics, 869, 230129. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2023.230129


A thorough understanding of the internal structures of the Longitudinal Valley is crucial for comprehending the architecture of the suture zone between the Eurasian and Philippine Sea plates. Here, we present the findings of eight new reflection seismic profiles spanning north to south of the Longitudinal Valley. Our primary objective is to investigate the internal sedimentary and tectonic features of the Longitudinal Valley Basin, the nature of the contact between it and the metamorphic basement rocks to the west, and the geometry of the Longitudinal Valley fault system along its eastern flank. A significant outcome of our research is that there is minimal internal deformation within the Longitudinal Valley Basin, with sedimentary features prevailing. The presence of inclined reflections suggests the presence of fan deltas and therefore a marine or lacustrine environment in the Longitudinal Valley. The sedimentary characteristics indicate that the source region for the sediment was predominately the Central Range, but that locally the Coastal Range also supplied sediment. Furthermore, at least in the shallow subsurface (1 to 2 km), a west-dipping Central Range fault does not exist along the western side of the Longitudinal Valley. The Longitudinal Valley fault system does not affect the middle of the basin, instead it is located along the eastern flank, adjoining the topography of the Coastal Range.

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