In-field Verification of the Applicability of MEMS-IMU Accelerometers for Monitoring of Mining-induced Seismic Activity

Stolecki Lech  and Fuławka, K. and F. T. and S. M. (2024). In-field Verification of the Applicability of MEMS-IMU Accelerometers for Monitoring of Mining-induced Seismic Activity. Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports, 34(4), 563–581. https://doi.org/10.59440/ceer/196753


Measurements of seismic activity induced by mining operations are a basic tool for assessing the level of dynamic load associated with the occurrence of tremors. Knowledge of the location of the source of vibrations and the nature of seismicity is the basis for the safe planning of operations and design of both underground and surface infrastructure. The key parameter influencing the quality and reliability of seismic measurements is the coverage density of the analysed area with measurement stations. Unfortunately, the cost of seismic networks using standard devices is so high that in most cases the density of the network is much lower than needed for a good resolution and low event detection threshold. A certain breakthrough in this area may be the introduction of cost-effective measuring devices based on MEMS technology. This study compares the seismic data collected with the use of MEMS-IMU accelerometers with standard accelerometers for field seismic monitoring. The basis for the comparison was the analysis of data recorded by both devices located on the same site for two months. The comparison was carried out in terms of the characteristics of seismic waveforms, their amplitude distribution, frequency characteristics and effective duration of vibrations. Based on the results of the analysis, it was shown that MEMS-IMU accelerometers can be successfully used to monitor seismicity induced by mining activities in the near wave field.

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