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δD and δ18O variations of the magmatic system beneath Deception Island volcano (Antarctica): Implications for magma ascent and eruption forecasting

Álvarez-Valero, A. M., Gisbert, G., Aulinas, M., Geyer, A., Kereszturi, G., Polo-Sánchez, A., Núñez-Guerrero, E., Sumino, H., & Borrajo, J. (2020). δD and δ18O variations of the magmatic system beneath Deception Island volcano (Antarctica): Implications for magma ascent and eruption forecasting. Chemical Geology, 542, 119595.


Geochemistry of volatiles in active volcanoes provides insights into the magmatic processes and evolution at depth, such as magma evolution and degassing, which can be implemented into volcanic hazards assessment. Deception Island is one of the most active volcanoes in Antarctica, with more than twenty explosive eruptions documented over the past two centuries. Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic variations in the volatiles trapped in the Deception Island rocks (glass and melt inclusions in phenocrysts) provide essential information on the mechanisms controlling the eruptive history in this volcanic suite. Thus, understanding the petrological and related isotopic variations in the island, has the potential to foresee the possible occurrence and its main eruptive features of a future eruption.

The new isotopic results of this study combined with exhaustive petrologic knowledge reveal in Deception Island (i) fast ascent and quenching of most magmas, preserving pre-eruptive magmatic signal of water contents and isotopic ratios, with local modification by rehydration due to glass exposition to seawater, and by meteoric and fumarolic waters; (ii) a plumbing system(s) variable with time and currently dominated by closed-system degassing leading to explosive eruptions; (iii) control on the interactions of ascending magmas with the surface waters producing hydrovolcanic activity throughout the two main fault systems in Deception Island and at different magma stagnation depths. These results can be considered in further studies of volcanic monitoring to improve the capability to interpret geophysical data and signals recorded during volcanic unrest episodes, and hence, forecast volcanic eruptions and related hazards.

Reference article

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