High-resolution 3D ambient noise tomography around the Meishan-Chiayi active fault system of western Taiwan

Cheng, C.-Y., Kuo-Chen, H., Brown, D., Yao, H., Chen, K.-X., & Ma, K.-F. (2024). High-resolution 3D ambient noise tomography around the Meishan-Chiayi active fault system of western Taiwan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X, 12, 100182. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaesx.2024.100182


The Meishan-Chiayi area of western Taiwan has a large probability of producing a major earthquake in the near future. Historically, one of the largest and most damaging of Taiwan’s earthquakes occurred there. It is, therefore, important to have a well-constrained upper crustal 3-D shear-wave velocity model that can be used to accurately determine ground motion predictions and fault geometry models used in seismic hazard and risk modelling. In this study, we carried out an ambient noise tomography experiment using 100 seismometers deployed with a ∼2 km spacing on a 20 by 20 km grid. The reliable periods of phase velocity from Rayleigh waves are 0.6 to 6.8 s, providing a well-resolved Vs structure from the surface to a depth of around 4 km. The velocity model displays a prominent, roughly northeast-striking change in Vs that follows the projected surface trace of the blind Chiayi thrust. The uplift of relatively higher Vs rocks in its hanging wall, together with a negative to positive change in dVs suggests that it dips gently eastward across the study area. A northward thickening of the lower Vs crust, together with a high negative dVs in the north of the study area is related to an increased thickness of foreland basin rocks across the Meishan fault. The Vs and dVs models provide reasonable evidence that the Meishan fault can be traced at a high angle from its surface rupture to the base of the model at 4 km depth. It cuts the Chiayi thrust.

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