Reconstructing the Belbaşhanı Pumice Plinian eruption, Hasandağ Volcano, Turkey

Özsoy, R., Sunyé-Puchol, I., Pedrazzi, D., Akkaş, E., Costa, A., Massaro, S., Tavazzani, L., Nazzari, M., Bachmann, O., Scarlato, P., Miggins, D. P., Kaya, S., & Mollo, S. (2024). Reconstructing the Belbaşhanı Pumice Plinian eruption, Hasandağ Volcano, Turkey. Bulletin of Volcanology, 86(7), 61. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00445-024-01752-6


Hasandağ volcano (Central Anatolia, Turkey) has recently underwent an increase in local seismicity and fumarolic activity since 2013. In the past, this volcano has produced multiple large explosive eruptions during the last million years. The Belbaşhanı Pumice is the product of a sub-Plinian to Plinian eruption dated at ~ 417 ± 20.5 ka (40Ar/39Ar). Here, we present a complete volcanological study including stratigraphy, glass chemistry, pumice morphology, geochronology, and eruption source parameters with the associated uncertainties, to characterize the Belbaşhanı Pumice eruption. The eruption involved a column of 18–29 km in height, with the main dispersal axis towards the northeast. A pumice layer up to ~ 17-m-thick accumulated in proximal deposits along the Belbaşhanı path, and up to 2-m-thick in medial-distal areas (~ 18 km northeast from the vent). The high and tubular vesicularity of the pumice clasts indicates that the Belbaşhanı eruption was predominantly magmatic. The bulk volume of the Belbaşhanı Pumice fallout deposit has been estimated as 0.5 and 8 km3 (with ~ 2 km3 being the mean value), which corresponds to Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) of at least 4 and up to 6. Both isopach and isopleth maps indicate that the volcanic vent may have been located at the intersection of the Tuz Gölü fault and Ulukışla caldera, within the Hasandağ volcanic complex. The glass composition of Belbaşhanı Pumice confirms that the eruption belongs to the Hasandağ magmatic system. The reconstruction of the Belbaşhanı Pumice eruption represents an essential baseline in providing volcanological constraints for further investigations of tephra fallout hazard assessment in Central Anatolia, especially considering that a new Plinian eruption cannot be ruled out at Hasandağ volcano in the future. The chemical and geochronological datasets presented here could aid in refining tephrochronological correlations, with the goal of synchronizing paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic records alongside archaeological sites.

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