The anomalous cold weather in this June on the Iberian Peninsula and the Arctic thaw are related. This is affirmed by researchers Santiago Giralt from Geosciences Barcelona (GEO3BCN-CSIC) and Sergi Pla from the Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF) and the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Through the NEOCLIM project, scientists are studying the potential consequences of global warming on the climate system worldwide.
To develop this scientific work, Giralt and Pla traveled to the Arctic with the aim of reconstructing the neoglacial climatic variability of the North Atlantic Polar region through geochemical and biological studies of sediments collected from lakes in Greenland. In this interview, published on the CREAF blog, they explain how their experiences during the latest expedition, conducted in late April 2024, elucidate this anomalous June in Europe.