Tesis defensades

Tesis publicades

Tesis doctorals Tesis defensades

Geophysical-Petrological Modeling of the Crust and Upper Mantle within the Central Mediterranean and Topographic Implications

Author: Wentao Zhang (GEO3BCN-CSIC)

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The biogeochemical imprint of the Azores Archipelago lacustrine sedimentary infill

Author: Mario Benavente Marín (GEO3BCN-CSIC)

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Cambios espacio-temporales de las comunidades vegetales de montaña del centro-oriente del Eje Volcánico Transmexicano durante para los últimos 17.000 años

Author: Erandi Tzayani Rodríguez Pérez (GEO3BCN-CSIC)

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Shear Waves Characterization of the Subsurface: Imaging Active Fault and Critical Zone along the Eastern Betic Shear Zone (EBSZ), SE Iberian Peninsula

  • Author: Handoyo Handoyo (GEO3BCN-CSIC)
  • Date: 16th February 2023 | 11:00 h. am (CET)
  • Place: online (Registration is required. Please email jalcalde@geo3bcn.csic if you want to attend the thesis defence)

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Reconstructing the topography and water level of the Mediterranean Sea during the Messinian Salinity Crisis

  • Author: Hanneke Heida (GEO3BCN-CSIC)
  • Date: 1st December 2022 | 10:30 h. am (CET)
  • Place: Aula Magna, Faculty of Earth Sciences, University of Barcelona (UB) & online

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Carbon capture and storage in compressional basins

  • Thesis title: Carbon capture and storage in compressional basins: global to reservoir-scale assessments and integrated case study of the Puig-reig anticline (SE Pyrenees)
  • Author: Xiaolong Sun
  • Date: 15th October 2021, 11:00 am
  • Place: Aula Magna Carmina Virgili de la Facultat de Ciències de la Terra de la Universitat de Barcelona (UB)

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Geodynamic modelling of lithosphere subduction and the topographic response to slab tearing. Application to the Gibraltar Arc

  • Thesis title: Geodynamic modelling of lithosphere subduction and the topographic response to slab tearing. Application to the Gibraltar Arc.
  • Author: Kittiphon Boonma (GEO3BCN-CSIC)
  • Date: 7th October 2021 11:00 am
  • Place: Online

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Numerical modeling of continental collision and intraplate deformation

  • Thesis title: Numerical modeling of continental collision and intraplate deformation. Application to the Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of North Iberia.
  • Author: Ángel Valverde Pérez (GEO3BCN-CSIC)
  • Date: 10 February  2021, 12:00 h
  • Place: Online. .

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Geometry and deformation mechanisms of the Central Iberian Zone and the Iberian Central System

  • Thesis title: Geometry and deformation mechanisms of the Central Iberian Zone and the Iberian Central System
  • Author: Juvenal Andrés Cabrera(GEO3BCN-CSIC)
  • Date: 30 November 2020, 17:00 h
  • Place: Online. By invitation (send an email to: n.tesis@usal.es).

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Thermal and chemical imaging of the upper mantle anomalies: application to Western Mediterranean

  • Thesis title: Thermal and chemical imaging of the upper mantle anomalies: application to Western Mediterranean
  • Author: Ajay Kumar(GEO3BCN-CSIC)
  • Date: 24 November 2020, 11:00
  • Place: Online. By invitation.

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Dynamics of subduction systems with opposite polarity in adjacent segments: application to the Westernmost Mediterranean

  • Thesis title: Dynamics of subduction systems with opposite polarity in adjacent segments: application to the Westernmost Mediterranean
  • Author: Mireia Peral Millán (ICTJA-CSIC)
  • Date: June, 3rd, 2020 11:00 am
  • Place: Videoconference

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Hazard assessment and risk management at San Miguel volcano, El Salvador

  • Thesis title: Hazard assessment and risk management at San Miguel volcano, El Salvador
  • Author: Diana Jiménez de Contreras
  • Date: November, 20th, 2019; 11:00h
  • Place: Aula Magna “Carmina Virgili” Facultat de Ciències de la Terra (UB)

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Structure and Kinematics of the SW Taiwan fold and thrust belt

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Modern-analog studies and high resolution paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the last 500 years using the varved sediments of the Mediterranean Lake Montcortès (Central Pyrenees)

  • Thesis title: Modern-analog studies and high resolution paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the last 500 years using the varved sediments of the Mediterranean Lake Montcortès (Central Pyrenees)
  • Author: Mª Carmen Trapote Forné
  • Date: September, 16th, 2019; 16:30h
  • Place: Aula Magna Facultat de Biologia (UB)

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Sequential fluid migration along a fold and thrust belt: SE Pyrenees from Late Cretaceous to Oligocene

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Monitoring subsurface elastic properties using ambient seismic noise: 2011 El Hierro eruption and Reykjanes geothermal reservoir

  • Thesis title: Monitoring subsurface elastic properties using ambient seismic noise: 2011 El Hierro eruption and Reykjanes geothermal reservoir
  • Author: Pilar sánchez Sánchez-Pastor
  • Date: June, 21st, 2019 10:30 am
  • Place: Aula Magna Carmina Virgili de la Facultat de Ciències de la Terra

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Multidisciplinary characterization of diapiric basins integrating field examples, numerical and analogue modelling: Central High Atlas (Morocco)

  • Thesis title: Multidisciplinary characterization of diapiric basins integrating field examples, numerical and analogue modelling: Central High Atlas (Morocco)
  • Author: Mar Moragas
  • Thesis supervisors: Dr. Jaume Vergés(ICTJA-CSIC) and Dr. Elisabet Playà (UB)
  • Date: June, 12, 2017 11:30 am
  • Place: Aula Magna de la Facultat de Geologia (UB)

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Geophysical and petrological characterization of the lithospheric mantle in Iberia and North Africa

  • Thesis title: Geophysical and petrological characterization of the lithospheric mantle in Iberia and North Africa
  • Author: Alberto Carballo
  • Thesis supervisors: Dr. Manel Fernández Ortiga and Dra. Ivone Jiménez Munt
  • Date: Jun, 12, 2015 11:00 am
  • Place: Aula Magna de la Facultat de Geologia

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The lithospheric structure of Africa. Mapping crustal and lithospheric thickness using geoid and elevation constraints together with a thermal analysis

  • Thesis title: The lithospheric structure of Africa. Mapping crustal and lithospheric thickness using geoid and elevation constraints together with a thermal analysis
  • Author: Jan Globig
  • Thesis supervisors: Dr. Manel Fernández (ICTJA-CSIC) and Dra. Montserrat Torné (ICTJA-CSIC)
  • Date: Sept, 21, 2017 11:00 am
  • Place: Aula Magna de la Facultat de Geologia (UB)

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Seismic Attenuation Analysis using Lg waves and ambient noise recordings. Application to the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco.

  • Thesis title: Seismic Attenuation Analysis using Lg waves and ambient noise recordings. Application to the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco.
  • Author: Raquel Noriega
  • Thesis supervisors: Dr. Antonio Villaseñor (ICTJA-CSIC) and Dra. María José Jurado (ICTJA-CSIC)
  • Date: Sep, 16 2016 11:30 am
  • Place: Sala de Graus de la Facultat de Física  (UB)

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North Atlantic Oscillation imprints in the Central Iberian Peninsula for the last two millennia: from ordination analyses to the Bayesian approach

  • Thesis title: North Atlantic Oscillation imprints in the Central Iberian Peninsula for the last two millennia: from ordination analyses to the Bayesian approach
  • Author: Guiomar Sánchez López
  • Thesis supervisors: Dr. Santiago Giralt (ICTJA-CSIC) / Armand Hernández (IDL-Universidade de Lisboa)
  • Date: Sep, 16, 2016 11:00 am
  • Place: Aula Magna de la Facultat de Geologia

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