Sedimentology and structure of the Paleogene Nummulitic series of Corsica: Reconstruction of the southern termination of the western Alpine foreland basin

Van de Vyver, C., Carpentier, C., Ford, M., Vergés, J., & Melinte-Dobrinescu, M. (2024). Sedimentology and structure of the Paleogene Nummulitic series of Corsica: Reconstruction of the southern termination of the western Alpine foreland basin. Basin Research, 36, e12898. https://doi.org/10.1111/bre.12898


Nummulitic Limestones deposits are preserved along the tectonic contact between the Variscan basement and Alpine units of Corsica. These marine carbonates, dated from the Late Palaeocene to the Middle Eocene, were deposited within a foreland flexural basin that is considered to be the southern continuation of the Alpine foreland basin of southeast (SE) France. However, in contrast with the Nummulitic Limestones of SE France, those of Corsica are far less documented. This field-based study constrains the sedimentology, stratigraphy and structure of the Nummulitic Limestones of Corsica in three localities (Balagne, Corte and Sari-Solenzara) to identify factors that controlled foreland basin development and to clarify its significance within the early alpine orogen. The microfacies, microfaunal assemblages and siliciclastic fractions are characterised throughout the succession at each locality. The results indicate the existence of an important Variscan basement relief to the west of the basin (West Corsican Massif) that supplied early alluvial fans found at the base of the foreland succession in the northernmost Balagne area. Continuous high clastic input strongly reduced the development and diversity of the overlying Nummulitic Limestones facies and fauna. Further south, limestones in the Corte and Sari-Solenzara areas are thicker and contain richer fauna. Three depositional models corresponding to the carbonate ramp system are proposed for the Nummulitic Limestones and used to construct paleogeographic maps illustrating the transgressive evolution of the Corsican foreland basin from the Early to the Late Eocene. Based on our results and available regional tectonic data and LT thermochronological data, we propose that the Nummulitic marine transgression took place within a continuous foreland basin encompassing southern Corsica and SE France during the early development of the western alpine arc.

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