BackgroundResearch InterestsAwards & mentionsPublications

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Personal investigador contractat

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Educational Background

  • Master in Mineral Resources and Geological Hazards, University of Barcelona, 2020.
  • Degree in Geology, University of Barcelona, 2020.

Other tranining courses

  • Geology of the Reykjanes peninsula; Geothermal spots and Fagradalsfjall eruptions. University of Iceland, 2023.
  • Introduction to fluid inclusions and geothermal fluids composition. University of Iceland, 2023.
  • Understanding deep crustal processes. University of Lausanne / University of Padua, 2023.
  • Detrital geochronology and thermochronology. University of Milano-Bicocca, 2023.
  • Statistics applied to Earth Sciences. University of Barcelona, 2022.
  • Microtectonics Masterclass. University of Mainz, 2022.
  • Climate Change: Carbon Capture and Storage. University of Edinburg, 2021.
  • Introduction to Geochemistry. University of Kyoto, 2021.
  • Reservoir Geomechanics. Stanford University, 2021.

Grants & awards

  • University of Barcelona, PhD commission – Internship grant for international travel, 2023.
  • Agustí Pedro i Pons Foundation – Internship grant for international travel, 2023.
  • Mediterranean Geoscience Union (MedGU) – Best Paper International Award, 2022.
  • Geological Society of London – Student Research Grants, 2021.
  • Sociedad Española de Mineralogía – Best MSc Dissertation, 2020.
  • Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Geólogos – Best BSc Disseration, 2019.

Research experience and employment history

  • PhD Student. University of Barcelona, 2021-2024.
  • International research visitor. University of Tübingen, 2023.
  • International research visitor. University of Aberdeen, 2023.
  • International research visitor. RWTH Aachen University, 2022.
  • Assistant Research Scientist. University of Barcelona, 2020-2021.
  • Internship Student. Spanish National Research Council (GEO3BCN-CSIC), 2018-2019.

Research Interests

My work is focused at the intersection of structural geology and petrology, and in how the knowledge on these fields can be improved through novel techniques. I am also interested in geological data mining and database management for addressing those issues relevant to modern societal needs. My current research interests include fluid inclusion studies, rock rheology, earth science history, and geochemistry.

Structural Geologyz

  • Geological and structural mappingMicrotectonics
  • Folding and fracturing of rocks
  • Crystal-plastic deformation


  • Fluid-rock interactions
  • Fluid flow and heat transport
  • Metasomatism of crystalline rocks

Earth Science History

  • Geoenergy and GeohazardsEarthquakes and fluid flow
  • GIS multi-scale analysis, Geodatabase building
  • Energy, carbon, and nuclear waste sub-surface storage

Awards & mentions

Member of the organizing committee of the Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics Meeting (DRT – Barcelona 2024).

Webpage administration:

  • Sedimentary Geology Research Group

Social networks management:

  • Sedimentary Geology Research Group: Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram official accounts.
  • Iberian Evaporite Structure Database: Management of Twitter official account.


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