
Choose your master thesis project with GEO3BCN

By clicking on this link you will find a list of research topics for Master Theses leaded by GEO3BCN-CSIC researchers. In case you are interested in any of these proposals, please send an email to the researcher in charge or to indicating which topic would you like to choose.

These topics are in the the framework of the project: ‘Evolution, geodynamics, and impacts of continental rifts systems: The case of the Western Mediterranean margin’.

The objective of the project is offer a comprehensive picture on the origin, evolution, and impacts of the continental rifts systems, focusing on the particular case of the Western Mediterranean margin. The project is structured in five main multidisciplinary thematic pillars:

  • Geodynamics and petrogenesis
  • Tectonic and magmatic processes
  • Geohazards and risks
  • Climatic and Environmental evolution and impact
  • Georesources: Nature, Generation through natural processes, exploration, sustainability and energy transition.

The different pillars involve the development of solid knowledge in Earth Sciences and the development of skills in a variety of methodological approaches that include structural geology, geochemistry, geophysics, petrology, seismology among other Earth related research lines, including computing abilities that can include the use of HPC facilities.

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