13 de maig de 2022
Khomsi, S., Roure, F., Vergés, J., 2022. Hinterland and foreland structures of the eastern Maghreb Tell and Atlas thrust belts: tectonic controlling factors, pending questions, and oil/gas exploration potential of the Pre-Triassic traps. Arab. J. Geosci. 15, 462. doi:10.1007/s12517-022-09707-x
This special issue of the AJGS entitled Geology of North Africa and Mediterranean regions is a follow-up of the AGIC (Atlas Georesources International conferences) organized in 2017 by the Georesources Laboratory and CERTE, Tunis, University of Carthage. This event was a major occasion for geoscientists from Arabian, Maghrebian, and European countries to present their recent findings and research results in the characterization of different georesources in North Africa, the Mediterranean, and surrounding areas, thus also including the Arabian plate.
This thematic issue is composed of 33 papers covering a wide spectrum of topics and fields, from architecture and thermicity of sedimentary basins to structural evolution, oil/gas exploration, fractured reservoirs, water resources, aquifer characterization, and applied geophysics.