Depositional Environment Changes during the Cenozoic in the Northeastern Margin of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau

Wang, Y., Sun, G., Zhang, S., Cantarero, I., Cruset, D., Baqués, V., Guo, H., Bo, S., & Travé, A. (2022). Depositional Environment Changes during the Cenozoic in the Northeastern Margin of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. In Processes (Vol. 10, Issue 5). https://doi.org/10.3390/pr10051000


The uplift of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) during the late Cenozoic is thought to be one of the crucial factors controlling the Asian climate. However, the complex interaction between tectonics and climate change remains unclear. The carbon and oxygen isotopes and elementary geochemistry of rocks from the early Eocene Lulehe Formation to the Miocene Youshashan Formation in the northern margin of Qaidam Basin, shows important variations in the Rb/Sr, MgO/CaO, Sr/Cu, and V/Cr ratios, together with CMI and CIA, which are interpreted as reflecting relevant regional climate and environmental changes. Combining the above mentioned parameters, we reconstructed the evolution of the sedimentary environment in the Qaidam Basin. The climate is roughly divided into four stages: (1) warm and humid; (2) cold and dry; (3) alternations of cold and dry with warm and humid; and (4) cold and arid. At the same time, there are also minor short-term changes of dry, wet, cold, and warm in each stage. The early Eocene to Miocene climate changes in the Qaidam Basin were mainly affected by global climate changes, the uplift of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, and the long-lasting plate collision, but there was no continuous drought due to the uplift of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau. From the early Eocene to the late Miocene, the climate of the Qaidam Basin became warm and humid. View Full-Text

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