Copernicus data to boost raw material source management: Illustrations from the RawMatCop programme

Kasmaeeyazdi, S., Abdolmaleki, M., Ibrahim, E., Jiang, J., Marzan, I., & Rodríguez, I. B. (2021). Copernicus data to boost raw material source management: Illustrations from the RawMatCop programme. Resources Policy, 74, 102384. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2021.102384


Earth Observation (EO) data can become an essential tool in the transformation of a raw materials sector that aims to reconfigure its model of operation. The high demand for the mineral resources necessary for the transition to a carbon neutral and circular economy conflicts with the increasing difficulties of finding new deposits. As the sector heads towards embracing circularity and reducing the environmental impacts, a clear focus has been set on developing appropriate tools to boost the efficiency of mineral resource management, both technologically and economically. In this scenario, the Sentinel satellites of the European Copernicus program come into play. Despite being satellites considered medium resolution, they provide great temporal and spatial coverage in a continuous record, which makes them tools with great potential for the raw materials sector. However, the lack of applications in the raw materials sector suggests that these technological advances have remained underrated by sectoral actors. The RawMatCop program was designed to bridge this gap. This program, co-funded by the European Commission and EIT RawMaterials, aims to develop applications and promote the use of Copernicus data in the raw materials sector to contribute to a safe and sustainable supply of mineral resources. The presented applications can be grouped into three categories covering the whole mining cycle from exploration to exploitation and post-mining. Two of the presented case studies cover the study of primary sources including exploration of Iron Oxide Copper Gold mineralisations to identify high-potential mining areas and mapping of informal gold mining and its environmental impacts. Another project focused on secondary sources tackled data applications for grade mapping and sample optimisation in mining residues. And the forth project focused on monitoring ground stability related to mining activity. The results demonstrate the high cost-effectiveness of Sentinel 1 and 2 in extending ground-based measurements to larger areas, especially when these are hard-to-reach areas. Finally, the presented projects examine the industrial and social impacts of technological innovations, as well as contribute to the achievement of prominent European Union policy objectives and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Original article

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