Morphometric analysis of monogenetic volcanoes in the Garrotxa Volcanic Field, Iberian Peninsula

Pedrazzi, D., Kereszturi, G., Geyer, A., Bolós, X., Granell, J., Planagumà, L., Martí, J., & Cerda, D. (2024). Morphometric analysis of monogenetic volcanoes in the Garrotxa Volcanic Field, Iberian Peninsula. Geomorphology, 465, 109400. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2024.109400


The Garrotxa Volcanic Field is situated in the northeast region of the Iberian Peninsula. It represents the most recent volcanic area within the Catalan Volcanic Zone, which is one of the volcanic provinces of the European Rift System, featuring over 50 dispersed eruptive vents.

This study presents a comprehensive morphometric analysis of volcanic edifices, aiming to enhance our understanding of both volcanostratigraphy and the geomorphology of landforms within the Garrotxa Volcanic Field. Our methodology involved extensive fieldwork and detailed analysis of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) to precisely determine the spatial distribution and morphometric parameters of the best-preserved volcanic structures in the area. The Garrotxa Volcanic Field exhibits an uneven spatial distribution of various volcanic landforms, with approximately 50 % comprising magmatic cones, primarily formed through Strombolian eruptions. The remaining 50 % is evenly divided between magmatic-phreatomagmatic volcanoes and phreatomagmatic tuff rings-maars. The morphometric characteristics of the three genetic types overlap significantly, showing no clear differences, although a few distinctions can sometimes be identified.

The Garrotxa Volcanic Field displays a variety of eruption styles: 46 % of the identified eruptive sequences begin with phreatomagmatic activity, while 54 % start with predominantly magmatic explosive activity. Most eruptions show a transition through different phases.

Data also indicate that the morphometric variability at the Garrotxa Volcanic Field stems from differences in the properties of pyroclastic sequences, resulting from their diverse eruption styles, as well as pre- and post-eruptive factors. Consequently, the results of the morphometric analysis are deemed insufficient for establishing a reliable chronology for the Garrotxa Volcanic Field.

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